​IFA European Championships - 22.05.-26.05.2025, Parnu, Estonia

Marian Capla, IFA TREASURER has updated the information pack which has all details of the European championships. Entries only open on 14th April & close 14th May. You will send your details to this site via the get in touch button & pay the PAA the right amount for your entry to pass on. If you live in the Republic of IRELAND you have to make separate arrangements with IFA. The weekly bulletin will have regular reminders to prompt you from late March.
Entries from UK team have to be made via the PAA. Individual entries to IFA will be referred back. Read the official invitation for all details (click left button) before asking questions.
Buy your team tank(the black one by clicking the right button below. There are lots of PAA shirts available, but this is the one we are competing in. All team has to be same. If you buy a different colour/style you won't be able to compete in it. That's IFA's rule, not ours.
Jaworzno POLAND 13-17 June 2024
IFA Euros results:
Julia Jablonska junior 15 u63kg gold left, bronze right
Teoo Wietrzak Grand masters u78kg gold left & right
Mark Waldon Grand masters u95kg bronze left, silver right
Magdalena Jablonska senior u57kg 4th left, u63kg bronze right
Adrian O'Dwyer senior u105kg Gold right Dan Smith senior u78kg 5th right
Dan Earthquake senior +105kg 10th & grandmasters +105kg 5th right
Victor Savin senior u70kg 11th left & 16th right
UK & Ireland medals: Gold=4 Silver=1 Bronze=3
IFA EUROs 2023
5 pullers & a referee represented the PAA UK & IRELAND in the IFA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS
The team bought home 5 bronze medals: 2 Gold, 2 Silver & 1 Bronze with two IFA referee qualifications gained.
Kath Whittaker - PAA UK & IRE Head Ref qualified as an IFA Junior Referee & joined the tournament team for the championships & as part of the doping control team.
Dean Bolt won the Masters Superheavyweight Gold medal (Left).
Mark Waldon won the Grand Masters -105kg Gold medal (Right).
Dan Hanlon won the Masters -86kg (Left).
Adrian O'Dwyer won the -105kg Silver (Right) & Bronze (Left) medals.
Dan Earthquake lost all matches in Masters & Open Superheavyweight categories on both arms, placing 4th in both Masters, 7th & 9th in Seniors. He also was awarded IFA Basic Referee status.
Adrian O'Dwyer, Dan Hanlon & Dean Bolt also attended the referee seminar but chose not to participate in the assessment.

Kath Whittaker

Dean Bolt - Gold Medal Masters Superheavyweight Left.

Mark Waldon - Gold Medal - Grand Masters -105kg (R)

Dan Hanlon - Silver - Masters -86kg (L)

Adrian O'Dwyer - Silver (R) & Bronze (L) -105kg