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30 September – 06 October 2024, Loutraki, Greece

PAA joined IFA as the UK member nation. ENTRIES VIA THE UK TEAM ARE NOW CLOSED. 

Late entries (if accepted) are charged by IFA as double. Contact them not us if you are desperate to join.     

Those already registered, please read & reread all the information in the Official IFA INVITATION before asking about details - if it is an IFA question, ask them. If it is a team question ask us, but we will refer you back to the documents if you haven't read it. It is also your responsibility to be familiar with the IFA anti doping regulations & their competition rules which are available to view on their website. 

Use the get in touch button for everything else. 

Results will eventually be published here. Those wanting updates when competition is on can watch live on  & see news & updates on . There are scammers who put false links up on facebook - click them to pay for the free content if you prefer.  


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Malayasia 2023

A smaller team went this year due to distance & the Armgods Invasion of Canada going on at the same time. 

Our team & results:

Adrian O'Dwyer - Silver - 105kg Senior left, Gold right.  

Andy Thorn - Silver  +105kg Senior Grand masters Left & Right

Dan Axworthy - Gold - U70kg Senior Grand Masters L&R, Seniors 10th left, 9th right.

Davy Gibson - U78kg Grand Masters 5th Left & 6th Right.

Stanley Hamilton - U86kg Masters 4th Left, Silver Right

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2022: A Dream

It started with a dream - Paul Maiden & Dean Bolt yearned for a big UK & IRELAND team to take on the World. 35 athletes & our head Ref Kath Wittaker answered the call & gained 27 medals & 5th place in the teams competition - there were 28 participating nations. In the face of tough oppostion the UK & IRELAND put in a heroic performance.

Gold Medals

Agy Gorzynska - GMW L78

Elliot Eccles - J21 L&R95

Dean Bolt - M L105

Daniel Axworthy SGM L+&R70

Teo Wietrzak GM R78

Thomas Mitchell L70

Silver Medals

Alan Milne SGM R86

Billy Davies J21 L&R86

Paul Maiden MR+105

Stanley Hamilton MR86

Stuart Acton ML+105

Bronze Medals

Agy Gorzynska GMWR78

Alan Milne SGML86

Craig Sanders L78

Mindaugas Dulskas L&R+105

Nicolas Hall GM R105

Oleksandr Bilobrovka L63

Sergii Saraev 95L

Stanley Hamilton ML86

Teofil Wietzrak GML78

Tim Liell GML86


Honourable Mentions

David Gibson GM 4th R78
Ethan Fisher J21 4th L&R78
Mark Waldon GM 4th L&R105
Robert Nicholl M 4th L+105
David Gibson GM 5th L78
Tim Liell GM 5th R86
Greg Foster 6th L95
Harry Liell 6th L86
Luke Bowers M 6th R86
Stuart Acton M 6th R+105
Tom Mitchell 6th R70
Adrian O'Dwyer 7th R105
Anil Najran 7th R78
Luke Bowers M 7th L86
Oleksandr Bilobrovka 7th R63
Paul Maiden 7th R+105
Dan Earthquake M 8th L+105
Dan Hanlon 8th L86
James Beech 8th L&R105
Lewis Claxton 8th R63
John Scowby 9th L&R+105
Harry Liell 9th R86
Lewis Claxton 9th L63
Robert Nicholl M 9th R+105
Connor Sale 10th L&R86
Robert Nicholl 10th L+105
Dan Earthquake M 11th R+105
Josh Davis 12th R105
Dan Earthquake 13th L+105
Greg Foster 14th R95
Tom Woodward 15th R95
Josh Davis 16th L105
Craig Sanders 17th L86
Tom Woodward 20th L95
Tom Mitchel 20th L70
Stanley Hamilton 12th R86
Ad Barnett 14th R86
Anil Najran 16th L78
Craig Sanders 17th R78
Dan Earthquake 18th R+105
Stanley Hamilton 18th L86
David Gibson 20th L78
Dan Hanlon 21st R86
David Gibson 21st R78
Luke Bowers 21st L86


Referee Training

Kath Whittaker, Josh Davies & Dan Earthquake attended the Referees Seminar.



Full results of all teams can be viewed by clicking the button below.

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